It’s not long until Christmas Jumper Day so if yours is still at the bottom of the laundry basket now’s the time to dig it out. This is the annual day when everyone is encouraged to pitch up to work wearing their craziest Christmas tops to raise dosh for Save The Children.
As if that weren’t incentive enough, here’s another one. Anyone sporting a suitably Christmassy sweater will also be able to bag a FREE short crust mince pie from Konditor & Cook. The chain is offering freebies at its six London stores and handing over a £1 donation for each mince pie claimed to Save The Children. Three cheers for them!
In short, you get to eat something delicious (and we can vouch they are very good mince pies) and Save the Children gets more money.
To claim one, just post a pic of you in all your festive glory onto social media, tag in Konditor and then pitch up to the store.
Fri 14th Dec, all day: FREE mince pies
All six Konditor & Cook London stores – for precise locations click here