As we all know, central London is a gloriously noisy, stressy sort of place. De-stressing is easier said than done.
One meditation centre is trying to change all that. Inner Space, is a self-styled oasis of calm just off Covent Garden.
The organisation runs a string of regular FREE talks, courses and lectures across the capital.
From learning how to rebuild trust in relationships in Dalston to nights of meditation and stress relief in the City.
Programmes are designed to help people from all ages and backgrounds think more positively and spiritually about their lives. They also teach exercises in boosting self-esteem, improving time management and getting a better handle on your people skills.
Inner Space spokesperson, Arti Lal, says it offers practical tips for modern Londoners. “There’s no chanting!” She told me. “We coach people to manage their minds and how we can all use our time btter. We teach an open-eye meditation so when the boss is shouting at you can tap into an inner resource and relax! You can do it when brushing your teeth or waiting for the kettle to boil. “
Inner Space has a constantly updated calendar of events on its website. Highlights this December include courses to bolster self-esteem in Covent Garden and a talk on practical tips to minimise stress in east London. They also offer an escape from the stresses of the Christmas build-up with an afternoon of meditation by candlelight in Angel.
FREE but donations appreciated.