No longer the preserve of hard up students or workmen on the go, pasty makers Ginsters are proving the point by going upmarket. Big time. But the good news is – their new grub is still cheap as chips!
The Cornish company has launched a brand new luxury range at – where else – Selfridges Foodhall. Options include Wagyu Beef and Truffle Oil pie or Flame Grilled Chicken, Coconut & Lemon. Not to worry, they’ve not forgotten the veggies. There’s a real goodie in the shape of Roasted Cauliflower & West Country Mature Cheddar pasty, infused with saffron and seasoned with sumac,
Each snack will be priced at a reasonable skint £4.99. Recipes have been put together by Michelin starred Cornwall chef Chris Eden so you can bank on them tasting grand.
They’re only available this week so you’d get your skates on!
Now – Sat 29th Feb: Gourmet Ginsters pasties
Selfridges Food Hall, 400 Oxford Street, W1A 1AB