Perhaps you’re using this time indoors constructively and doing those chores you’ve been putting off. Or maybe you’re climbing the walls. If the latter, get stuck into some FREE old school computer games.
The gamers at gog.com are having a spring sale and highlights include shooter Bio Menace, action animation Jill of the Jungle, and strategy simulation Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius (pic above).
If you’re after some role play, watch out for Ultima 4, Ultima Worlds of Adventure and Worlds of Ultima. All on the house…you’ll be aGog!
It’s easy as to download. Just hit the check out button on the challenge you fancy and you’re away.
Games are available for Windows (7, 8, 10), Mac OS X (10.11+)
For a full list of what’s on offer and to download your FREE games click here