This will keep the kids productively entertained for the afternoon. Indian restaurant, Colonel Saab is laying on FREE kids’ cooking master classes over Easter.
Not only will they learn how to make the perfect naan bread (how useful is that!) there’ll also be a local artist on hand to help with Easter egg decorating.
The small classes will last for two hours and allow for plenty of individual attention and, if parents want to hang around the restaurant will be offering an optional paid for high tea.
Colonel Saab owner, Roop Partap Choudhary says: “Many of the recipes we use were passed down from my parents to me, so to be able to teach children how to cook Indian food will be a wonderful experience.”
Your child will need to be over 5 and, you must reserve a spot so get cracking below!
Mon 10th April/Tues 11th April, 3pm – 5pm: FREE cooking classes for kids
Colonel Saab, Holborn Town Hall, 193-197 High Holborn, WC1V 7BD
To reserve a space email: reservations@colonelsaab.co.uk