There’s a green revolution taking place on the high seas of East London this October, and you’ve got permission to come on board.
French boat Energy Observer is docking for a fortnight at St Katherine’s Docks and inviting the public in for FREE to highlight the amazing possibilities of green energy.
The solar powered catamaran is both carbon neutral and emits no greenhouse gasses. The cleverly converted racing boat is powered by electric propulsion using renewable energies and seawater.
The boat and her crew are off on a six year mission – across 50 countries – showing off what can be achieved when you put your mind to making a greener world.
People that pop in can meet some of her crew and find out how you can use renewable, carbon-neutral energy at the on site exhibition. Pop in and say Bonjour!
Now – Sun 13th Oct: Energy Observer
St.Katharine Docks, E1W, 1LA
To book and all other info click here