Here’s your chance to thank our incredible hospital heroes – with beer! One London brewery is asking the public to buy a pint for NHS staff which can then be redeemed after the lockdown’s over.
Hammerton Brewery in Islington is dishing up a drink on the house for any doctor, nurse, GP, midwife, paramedic, backroom staff who’ve been risking life and limb to get us through this torrid time.
Simply click on to the brand’s specially created page, ping over your details and decide how many drinks you’d like to donate. When the taproom is back up and running NHS members need to just flash an Identity Card when ordering to redeem a free pint.
And the giving element doesn’t end there. For each pint bought, 30% (£1.50) will be donated direct to NHS Charities Together. If there’s any wonga leftover a year after the lockdown ends,100% of money received will be donated to the same charity.
In short, you’ll be supporting the brewery, donating to charity and giving health workers a a well earned tipple! Top work.
Hammerton Brewery, Unit 9, Roman Way Ind. Estate, 149 Roman Way, N7 8XH