Once upon a time they were seriously naff. And cringe.
Over 45 and a Bridget Jones fan you might still think they are. (Hello, mum!)
But which self respecting 20/30-something isn’t rocking a Christmas jumper this year?
I’ve sure as hell got mine. Confession; that should read several. Cats, reindeer, Santa I’ve got the lot.
What makes them so adorable? Easy. Because they’re camp. And, frankly, there’s no camper time than Christmas.
33 seconds in, people. THIRTY-THREE SECONDS IN!
Even better is you can put your holiday jumper love towards something useful. On Friday 16th December, Save The Children’s Christmas Jumper Day is back encouraging people to get in groups and don their festive finery.
Team up with work colleagues or mates down the pub and donate a couple of quid each. Cash raised goes towards bringing essential healthcare, education and food to millions of kids around the world.
Haven’t got a Santa jumper, you say? Sorted, Rokit in Shoreditch is having a vintage Christmas jumper sale the day before on Thursday, 15th December.
Cats. Christmas. Winning.