Ok, Skinties, as the nights draw in and it all seems so bleak out there, we’ve got you covered with a month of FREE booze across the capital.
Fuller’s pubs and Tottenham beer-makers Beavertown have teamed up to dish up pints of Nanobot on-the-house. Every Thursday afternoon in October, three Fuller’s boozers across London will be handing out a jar of the 2.8% low alcohol ‘Super Session’ IPA to those who book in.
How to get your hands on the new brew? Simply keep a beady eye on Beavertown’s Twitter page ahead of time. The first 50 customers to book at table at the chosen pubs for 12:30 pm that Thursday afternoon will win fresh pints.
It’s all to mark the launch of Nanobot across 100 Fuller’s pubs in London this month. And that’s all good by us!
For a full list of the participating Fuller’s pubs here
T&C’s can be found on the Beavertown website here